The CRNA Job Description: What to Expect from a Career in Nurse Anesthesia

A complete definition of CRNA job description is present in two practice statements published by AANA (American Association of Nurse Anesthetists). It together details all CRNA duties, services, and responsibilities.

  • Scope of nurse anesthesia practice
  • Standard of nurse anesthesia practice
  •  Scope of nurse anesthesia practice

The AANA’s scope of nurse anesthesia practice defines CRNA job practice as doing the following:

  • Conducting evaluations before anesthesia
  • Performing complete physical and health histories

  • Obtaining consents for anesthesia that are informed
  • Overseeing the patient plan care development

They should be skilled in:

  • Medications in pre-anesthesia
  • Adjuvant drugs and general anesthesia
  • Techniques of regional anesthesia
  • Therapy for acute and chronic pain
  • Sedation techniques
  • Duties beyond the operating room of CRNA job
  • Financial management
  • Risk management
  • Personnel and resource management
  • Quality assurance
  • Staff development
Standards for Nurse Anesthesia practice

The AANA defines the 11 standards of CRNA care we will include few of those

1. Perform and document, evaluation, and assessment of pre-anesthesia
2. Acquire informed consent from the patient
3. Patient plan care implementation and design
4. Implementation of patient plan care based on physiologic status
5. Patient psychological condition evaluation
6. Documenting administration information
7. Monitoring patient status
8. Minimizing risks
9. Control of infection
10. Participation in review and assessment
11. Maintenance of fundamental rights of patients

Bottom Line

These are the descriptions of the CRNA job that needs to be followed at all times.

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